Join us at beautiful Paradise Fields for a delicious plant-based brunch and health talk on lifestyle medicine.
Brunch In Paradise is a casual community event in the beautiful flower garden of Paradise Fields featuring a delicious plant-based brunch and health talk on using lifestyle as medicine.
Also includes a complimentary farm tour of Paradise Fields' certified organic farm, state of the art greenhouses, orchards, composting station, trails and site of the future agri-tourism lifestyle centre!
Join with family and friends!
Here’s what’s on the menu. Everything is fully plant-based (not dairy, meat or eggs)
Egg benedict with vegan roasted corned beef briskets, roasted red peppers and seasoned tofu
Cinnamon vanilla french toast
Roasted garlic and herbed potato
Paradise Fields fresh salad
Assorted fresh fruit
Health talk topic: How to Eat
Presenter: Carolyn Nichols CHN is the Nutritionist at Energy Shack Juice Bar and Pathways Lifestyle Medicine Clinics. Energy Shack Juice Bar is Toronto’s go-to place for fully plant-based juices, smoothies and meals to go. Her passion is to help you experience the joys of plant-based eating as a way of life. She has been successful in helping to reverse type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, digestion issues, heal psoriasis and even reverse stage 4 cancer. She has been featured on CP24, worked with the Toronto District School Board, community organizations and non-profits educating people of all ages on healthy nutrition.
Lifestyle Is Medicine
A non-profit in Toronto that shares science-based lifestyle medicine to help individuals and families prevent and reverse today's most common chronic diseases.
Paradise Fields
A certified organic farm and health clinic on a bold mission to produce the world's most nutrient-dense food and help people experience the healing power of plant-based nutrition.
Pathways Lifestyle Medicine Clinics
Naturopathic and nutrition clinics that focus on preventing, treating and reversing today's most common health conditions using evidence-based lifestyle medicine. Pathways serves at 3 locations in Toronto: North York, the Junction and Scarborough.