Lifestyle Medicine Clinics
Toronto and Hamilton
Visit a clinic near you focused on treating and reversing chronic diseases using science-based lifestyle medicine and natural therapies
Science/evidence-based treatment
Learn to go plant-based
Focused on disease reversal
Type 2 diabetes, weight loss, hypertension, cancer, digestive issues and other chronic health conditions
Friendly, compassionate staff
Proven results - lifestyle medicine works!
Lifestyle medicine clinics focused on reversing type 2 diabetes, excess weight and other chronic health conditions.
Naturopathic doctor
3 locations in Toronto
Lifestyle medicine-focused Naturopathic and nutrition clinic in Scarborough
2199 Midland Avenue, Unit 2 Scarborough, Toronto, Canada
Naturopathic doctor
A certified organic farm and health clinic on a bold mission to help others experience healing through the world’s most nutrient-dense food
Naturopathic Doctor
Compassion Health Clinic (Scarborough)
Free lifestyle medicine, naturopathic and nutrition clinic for single parent families and people who are unemployed, on disability leave or have other financial limitations